Anita was frustrated after a long day at work. How could Pratap behave like this? She had done everything in her capacity to make the client get the best comfort. The client had clearly mentioned that he wanted coffee with milk.But when Pratap came he changed his stand and told him that he was not treated well- he had requested black tea, and he was being served milk coffee. And he raised hue and cry over this small trivial issue. This was not the first time he had behaved liked that and Pratap knew that .If he is not satisfied, in spite of all her efforts, she could not be blamed for it. But Pratap had done just that. He had yelled at her in front of the entire office staff. She had not expected this kind of behaviour from Pratap. Though he was her boss at office, he was also her childhood friend. And what had he said-"don't think that even if you don't do what is expected out of your designation, you can escape, just so that, I know you from a long time. I cant stand this 'Chaltha hai' attitude.''. Her eyes started welling up with tears when she remembered his words. Despite everything she did to the company, to Pratap, those long working hours, the days she sacrificed her personal life for office, everything seems to have just evaporated, just because an insane client is not satisfied. She recollected how she had spent her school days, coaching Pratap, so that he could pass in the examinations, doing the projects on behalf of Pratap, so that he can get good marks in college, making him sit and study, at the cost of her own studies. If she had just concentrated in her studies, she would have stood first.
Wiping her tears, she noticed that she was near the Chowpatty beach. She did not realise how she drove all the way from office till there. She decided, she wanted some time to pull herself together, and she realised, she was hungry too. She parked her car, and walked towards the beach. She bought a Bhelpuri and sat down, facing the sea. It had started to get dark. The Bhelpuri satiated her hunger, and the cool breeze improved her mood. She decided she will talk to Pratap, and if he is not happy with her work, then she would resign. She would do all the things she enjoyed doing, which she had not been able to do due to work.She would start painting.She would go on a holiday with her parents.She would visit the orphanage and play with the kids there. She remembered how much she loved being with kids.These thoughts brought a smile to her face and she sat there enjoying the sea breeze.

Chinki was a pampered child. All of three years, she knew how to make her parents dance to her tune. She just had to start crying, that her parents would be on their knees to please her, get her what she wanted.Today, her wish was balloons. She waited for her papa to return from work. The moment he stepped in she ran to him and declared - "Papa, I want Pink coloured balloon". Her papa, though was very tired, was very happy that his little princess could differentiate colours. So he said, '' My angel wants pink coloured balloon?, sure, papa will get it while coming from work tomorrow. Now where did angel see the pink coloured balloon''?. For which Chinki replied ''Bunty from the next door has a pink coloured balloon, and he refused to play with me. So I want two pink coloured balloons, so that I can show him and play by myself tomorrow morning. So I want the balloons NOW''. Her papa and mama tried a lot to persuade her saying, they shall get her many other coloured balloons, tomorrow evening. But Chinki was adamant and started to cry. With no other way, her papa and mama took her to Chowpatty beach, with the hope to get pink coloured balloons.
Chotu counted his balloons. Three more- two pink and one black. He loved the pink ones. He always wanted a balloon to play with, not to sell. But he knew, that in his fate, he could only sell. With his father paralysed, and mother suffering from that awful disease, where she spat out blood every time she coughed, he knew the value of each and every rupee.He also knew that the twenty rupees that the Seth gave him for selling the balloons, along with few rupees earned by his elder brother by doing odd jobs were not at all sufficient to run his family. Many days they had to go without food.He had been to school for an year, when his father was well, and was working in the factory. That seemed long ago now. But that one year of schooling had taught him to count and that is all it mattered in selling balloons now. The Seth was happy with the business young Chotu did.Six years of age,and he could sell more balloons than his other older boys, and he had to pay him only twenty rupees, while the older boys took fifty.
Chotu was happy if the day was pleasant and breezy. It was during those days that parents would bring their children to beach. Children meant business. His balloons would get sold quicker - though there were times, when teenage girls also wanted balloons, when accompanied by a guy. The guys used to buy the balloons for the girls. But that was rare. His usual customers were children.
Chinki, along with her mama and papa, reached the beach. It had become dark and there were no balloon-wallas to be seen. Chinki's papa became worried, as Chinki had started to cry. He got her a Kulfi, and asked her to sit with her mama, while he went looking for a balloon-walla. He was over joyed when he saw Chotu with, thankfully two pink balloons. Chotu, was equally happy to have found a customer who bought two balloons. Now he had to sell only one.Chinki was happy to have got her desired two pink balloons, and she wished to have one more kulfi before going home. Meanwhile, she declared she will play a while with her balloons. Her father, relieved,went to buy her kulfi.
Meanwhile, Chotu, started to go to each and every person on the beach, requesting them to buy the last balloon. But no one seemed interested. Chotu, became sad and started to cry, silent tears. If this balloon is not sold, he would not get his twenty rupees, and mother would not be able to buy medicine for father. He had not eaten anything since morning too.He noticed Chinki, playing happily with the balloons. He felt very sad, thinking of his fate. What was his mistake that he had to work so hard, he cant even play with the balloons, he sells everyday. And who would buy this black balloon today.No child would like black balloon. With tears streaming down his cheeks, he started towards the sea. He was so blinded by tears and also, since, it was dark, he did not notice Anita, sitting on the beach,stumbled against her and fell down. Anita, raised him up, and noticing his tears,asked him if he had hurt himself. He apologised for falling on her, and told her that he was not hurt. Then, she asked why he was crying. He told her that he had to sell his last balloon, to get his daily wage and no one is buying his balloon, since, it was black.Anita smiled, at the recollection of ''Black'' in the morning. She wiped Chotu's tears and offered him hundred rupees. She was sweetly surprised, when Chotu refused and said, that he was not a beggar. So she bought the black balloon for the usual price of ten rupees. Chotu thanked her profusely and started to walk away. She called him and gave him the black balloon, saying this is a gift to him. Chotu was so much over-joyed, on getting a balloon to play - what if it is black, it was a balloon still. He gave her his sweet smile and thanked her.
On second thoughts, Anita, called him back, rummaged through her bag, brought out few items of her cosmetics,and made a colourful glittery graffiti on the black balloon. She used her nail paints and glitters. Now the once boring black balloon became a master piece and glittered against the dark sky. She smiled on having made someones day and started walking to her car.
Chotu, very happy to have got a balloon, started walking towards the road. Chinki, who had finished her second kulfi, was walking with her parents, when she noticed the colourful black balloon, and as is usual with Chinki, immediately demanded that balloon be bought for her. Her dutiful papa, approached Chotu to buy the balloon, and he was impressed with the graffiti on the balloon. He realised that few minutes ago, the balloon was plain. He asked Chotu, who had made the graffiti. Chotu pointed Anita to him, who was walking towards her car. Chinki's papa, asked Chotu, to wait for a few minutes and he ran to Anita. He appreciated and congratulated her on her Art on the balloon, offered her a job as graffiti Artist in his office. He explained to her that he was an art collector, exhibitor and he is also runs a studio and he had not seen such fine graffiti as the one she had done on the balloon. He gave her his visiting card and asked her to come to his studio tomorrow.Anita, who always loved painting, said she would visit his studio. She was also happy to have found a job, when she had decided to leave her previous one.She thanked Chinki's father and took his leave.
When Chinki's father came to Chotu, and requested him to sell the black balloon, Chotu, refused saying that, it is not for sale. He told him that he got his long time wish to play with a balloon fulfilled only today and he cannot part with that now. Chinki's wails started increasing in volume when she noticed that her father is being unsuccessful in getting the balloon. She started crying that she wanted only the balloon which was with Chotu, and she does not want the pink balloons. Chotu, seeing Chinki cry, said, he is glad to exchange the black balloon for a pink one. So that was settled. Chotu, went home happy with a pink balloon and Chinki, with a colorful black balloon and a pink balloon. Chinki's parents were happy as their daughter was happy. Chinki's father was glad that he had found great talent in Anita. Anita had gone home, with satisfaction that she had got a job that she loved.
So, all is well that ends well. And one good deed begets another.