These are testing times indeed - testing our endurance, our patience, our adaptability, our compassion and our human values.
With the out break of the novel corona virus and the threat it poses to the world and to our country, it has become advisable not to venture out unless there is a dire need to do so. With online shopping for groceries, work from home option for many and schools shut down, this does not seem to be difficult.
But after a week or so being at home with the complete family - kids who want to play all day, spouse who has telecons and is working from home and in many instances the domestic help and cook being absent, it becomes daunting - especially to manage kids,with restrictions on usage of play area, the pool and other common amenities.
If you have a kid who still not in the able to read by self stage, these tips are for you :
1. Read from story books : This is the time to inculcate the joy of books to the kid. Order some picture story books which the kid can look at when you are reading the story to him/her. Be as dramatic and as expressive as you can be. Use voice modulation, facial expression and hand gestures to make them understand and visualise the character. If there is an older sibling(s), next time when the child wants the story they can try to imitate the way you told the story. Ask the child to repeat the story the next day. And when he/she does it, applaud and praise them.
2.Coloring books and white paper : Get some coloring books and crayons/color pencils. Make the child color the book. Let them make a mess on the books and get as creative as only they can be on the white paper. It is ok as long as they have fun. To ensure they donot scribble/color on the walls or furniture, place a mat/carpet/rug in the middle of the room Tell them we are on pretend play and we are on a boat - what ever falls off the mat/carpet/rug is into the water and cannot be retrieved. Play along with them
3. Hide and seek : Play hide and seek at home. Before start, educate them of no go places, like near to the electrical appliances like fridge, washing machine computer, into the kitchen, wet bathroom(s), open balconies etc. Identify the unsafe places to hide and restrict those places as no go.
4. Play dressing up : It is not necessary to wear your best clothes only if you have a party to attend or during festivals. Bring out the party wear/festival wear and dress up the kid (and yourself if you like). Get the full party/festive looks - do the hair, wear appropriate jewellery and make up. And take plenty of photographs. Pose as silly as possible. Play these photos on TV and giggle along with your kid(s). If you have some particular costumes for your kid(s) you can use them too.Be as imaginative as possible.
5.Make them do small house hold work : Kids, especially the young ones, love to do what the grown-ups do. Take advantage of this - ask them to help you in shelling peas, separating the leaves from leafy vegetables like fenugreek/amaranthus, sweep the floor, dust the table, arranging the cushions on sofa,sort and pick their clothes from the washed clothes pile, etc. Donot expect the job to be completed by them Remember, our intention is to keep them engaged, not to get the work them, Engage them in converstion when they are doing it and praise them when they attempt to do it right.
6. Shoe lace and beads : Get a shoe lace and some big beads and ask them to create a string of beads . It is easier to string on the hard end of the shoelace. Make a bracelet/necklace for dolls from them and make a big show off of their achievement by showing the finished product to everyone in the family.
7. Increase screen time : I completely understand how finicky most of us are in allowing more screen time to kids. But these are difficult times. It is ok if kids watch an hour more of TV. Just be sure that what they watch is age appropiate. My daughter is 3.5 years old and I play animated movies for her, which I watch along with her explaining scene by scene, so that she understands and enjoys the same.
8. Plant something and make them watch it grow :I think money plants are a life saver here - get a clear glass bottle, pour water and put a money plant in it. Show the kids how the roots and leaves grow. Make it a ritual to see the growth every day morning.
9. Make them talk and listen to them : Ask them to recollect past instances like some trip, or a visit to a friends place, or to a restaurant, supermarket etc and listen to them, ask questions as appropriate - many times we will be pleasantly surprised to see the world from their perspective. This improves their ability to recollect and elaborate and explain things.
10. Make plans for future : Discuss and ask them to make plans for immediate future, like what we will do when we can go out to the mall/supermarket/pool etc. Make them list down all the steps we need to follow For example, my daughter's version to go out on a saturday, she needs to wake up, brush her teeth, use the bathroom, take bath ,wash her hair(I wash her hair on saturdays), dry her hair, have milk, eat breakfast, pack her shopping bag(she has a small backpack in which she carries water bottle, change of clothes, hankies and diapers), ask ma and papa to get ready, wear shoes and then go to the car. After going to the mall, she will want to have icecream/pizza/chicken popcorn, visit toy store, ride in shopping cart etc.. she will list down that as well.
For older kids :
11. Teach them crafts : This is a good time to make them learn a new craft, be it sewing, embroidery, painting, knitting, anything which they are interested in
12. Sudoku/Puzzles/board games : They can do sudoku, solve puzzles or play board games like chess, snake and ladders, carroms etc. Many of these can be done online. Just be sure you monitor what they are doing.
13. Reading fiction/Non-fiction : If there is no stress on upcoming examinations, make them read fiction/non-fiction to enhance their vocabulary and knowledge.
14 : Cooking and other basic survival needs: Make them learn basic cooking like making tea, boiling eggs, making a sandwich, set a cooker, make small meals etc. Ensure safety when in kitchen. Make them keep the home clean, run a washing machine, fold clothers, organise their books, and be presentable always. This will help you in the lonjg run when you need a break from the every day chores.
With the scare of pandemic all around, let us try to create a positive environment at home and stay safe.
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